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Qbserve 1 86

What's new in Qbserve 1.86: Added support for sites in Microsoft Edge browser; Added button to delete multiple uncategorized activities; Added new menu bar text mode: non-distracting (productive + neutral) time today and in the last hour. Qbserve provides everything you need for seamless time tracking of your work hours or freelance projects: automatic productivity tracking for websites and apps, automatic project tracking based on opened documents and web pages, invoice generation, real-time performance feedback and notifications, various reports and timesheets, scheduled data export, Slack team and Skype chat tracking.

  1. Observe 1 86 Circle
  2. Observe 1 86 Epizoda

Here’s a detailed comparison between Qbserve and Hyperlogs


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Time Tracking
Flexible and powerful reporting
Revenue Recovery
Intelligent waste and loss prevention


Today a client was asking me about where a project went sideways and why I was over hours. I was able to use your tool to quickly generate a detailed report of every hour billed including meetings. Super happy with how well it has been working
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